Its sad now days that you have to wonder what the motive is behind someone in Ministry. Are they in Ministry for Money and a Paycheck, Is it a Title position in the church, such as Pastor, Youth Pastor, Sunday School Director, or Asst. Pastor they are seeking. Evaluate your own self and ask yourself WHy am I in Ministry?
Is it to make yourself feel better and feel as if your life has value? Could u actually be doing it because you have a True Love for GOd and a calling like NO OTher on your Life? I sure Hope thats why your in MInistry.
King James BibleProverbs 23:23
Buy the truth, and sell [it] not; [also] wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
Dont sell out to The Love of Money , or For a Title, or SElf Gratification. Be in Ministry because u want to fulfill the Will of God in your Life and not for the Materialistic Gains you can receive from Ministry. God is not your Sugar Daddy but is your Heavenly Father who loves you. Please Check your Motives for Being in Ministry!!!!!!! God Bless
Right on man!